Free Energy Fountain Of NIKOLA TESLA

On October 13th 1914 Nikola Tesla filed an application for patenting his new fountain that was self regulating as well as overunity device which can be termed as free energy device in today's terms this device could run water like a fountain and could also rotate a shaft which can be used connected to other machines to derive the mechanical motion from it here is the patent for that and picture below as well as the text taken from the book.




Specification of Letters Patent.

Serial number : 1112716

Patented Oct. 13, 1914.

Application tied October 28, 1913. Serial No. 797.715.

To all whom it may concern:

which is shown in this instance as the best Be it known that I, NIKOLA TESLA, a citi- known propelling device; but it will be me zen of the United States, residing at New York, borough of Manhattan, county and 5 State of New York, have invented certain derstood that other means nay be employed. motor 10 is suitably mounted so as to do transmit through wheel 11, by friction or new und useful Improvements in Fountains, otherwise, power to the pulley or wheel 7.

of which the following is a full, clear, and Openings 4 may be covered with removable exact description, It has been eustnmary heretofore in found- 16 tons and aquarius displays to project sports. jets, or sprays of water from suitable trainers and receptacles I may be provided ith convenient connections, respectively, 85 for cleaning and renewing the liquid. It is thought necessary to show these attach- fixtures chietly Ior decorative ind beautify ment in the drawing.

The operation will be readily understood.

ing purposes Invariably, the quantity of the isming fluid was saul and the pleasing readily understood Receptacle 1 being filled to the proper 2 Spectacle i being per level 15 impression on the eve was solely the result with water or other fluid, and other fud of the more or less power The present invention is a departure from the streamlets anl ornanents employed. rotation and the fluid. drawn through the artistic arrangement of turned on, the propeller blades 9 are set in uch practice in that it relies principally lured on openings 4, is lifted to the horizontal flared out top of conduit until it overflows in the 8 20 on the fascinating spectacle of a large mass form of a Ĩircular euscade.

of fluid in motion and the display of sem .

ingly great power. Incidentally. it permis In order to prevent the wetting of the bearings of shaft i, the central hub of re the realization of beautiful and striking ceptacle 1 is made to project above conduit views through illumination and the dispo. 3. The latter is funnel shaped for reasons 25 sition of voluminous eascudes which, more- of economy, and also for the purpose of re- over, nny be applied to purposes inducing the speed securing a smooth and speed and see ways not practicable with the old and fa- even overflow. A to practical useful purwore of economy As the lift is inconsiderable, familiar devices These objects are accom- little power to keep in motion a er is needed to great volume of water and the impression polished the displacement of great polished by the sea objects and fit een s0 ume of fluid relatively small expendi- produced on the observer is very striking. with relatively r ent vol ture of energy in the production and mainte.

With the view of still further economizing nance of veritable waterfall as distin- energy, the bottom of receptacle 1 may be ruished from a mere spout, jet or spray. slapped as indicated by the dotted lines 12, The underlying idea of the invention can 85 be carried out by apparatus of widely varied design, but in the present instance the sim. in Fig. 9 so as to increase the velocity at the ga intake of the propeller.

Referring to the first. 1 represents are ceptacle of any suitable material, as metal, glass, porcelain, marble, cement or other smal


plest forms, of which I am aware, are shown To convey an idea of the results obtained able with a small apparatus, properly de as embodiments of the principle involved. reigned, it may be stated that by applying In the accompanying drawing, Figure 1 is only 1/25 of horsepower to the shaft and 5 and 40 a top plan and Fig. 2 a vertical central see. assuming a lift of eighteen inches, more tional view of an appliance which I have than one hundred gallons per minute may devised for the purpose. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 be propelled, the depth of the flood passing illustrate corresponding view of a similar device of much simpler construction. over the flared top of conduit 3, one foot in diameter, being tarly one-half inch. As 103 the correlation is extremely rapid the total quantity of liquid required is comparatively Abont one of that delivered per compound, with central hub 2 and a coni- minute will be generally, sufficient. Such a 50 vided with openings t at the bottom. In peurance unl this feature may be still fir eal conduit 3, And not top and probeerde pret at the top and committee will come tenth of the the hub is inserted a shaft rotatably sup- ther enhanced by artistic grouping of plants singularly attractive ap- 105 portal on ball bearings and carrying at or other objects around it, in which se its lower end a friction pulley or gear wheel the whole contrivance may be hidden from 7 To the upper end of the shaft is fastened view. Particularly beautiful displays, how. 110 a casting preferably of some non-corrosive ever, are obtainable by illumination which alloy, with blades 9 constituting a screw may be carried out in many ways. To 1118718

What I claim is:

heighten the effect, a colored, opalescent or rie capacity were used to raine the water to phosphorescent fluid may be employed. an appreciable height which involved the Sterilizing, aromatic or radio-active liquids expenditure of considerable energy, while may also be used, when so desired. The the spectacle offered to the eye was uninter. 65 5 nata fountains are objectionable in many testing. In no instance, to my knowledge, places on account of the facility they afford has a great mass of fluid been propelled by for the breeding of insects. The apparatus the nse of only stuch power as is required to described not only makes this impossible lift it from its normal level through to that from which 76 10 devices in which only a small volume it overflows and of water is set in motion, such a waterfall is have devices especially adapted for the pur is highly effective in cooling the surround- pose been employed. ing atmosphere. To still improve this no tion the free end 13 of the rotating shaft 1. An artificial fountain consisting of a 75 16 may be utilized to entry any kind of fan, unobstructed conduit having an elevated The water mny, of course, be artificially overflow and adapted to be set in a body of cooled The device described may be modified many ways and also considerably simplified water, and propelling device for main in training a rapid circulation of the water through the conduit.


20 For example, the propeller may be fixed di- 9. An artificial fountain comprising in rectly to the shaft of the motor and the combination an unobstructed conduit having latter supported conveniently from above an elevated overflow and adapted to be set when many of the parts illustrated in Fig. 1 in a body of fluid, propeller within the and Fig. 9 may be dispensed with. In fact, conduit for maintaining a rapid circulation 85 25 receptacle 1 itself may be replaced by an of the fluid through the same, and a motor independent tank or basin so that the entire for driving the propeller,

Pd will only consist of a funnel as scribed, comprising in combination re 3. The artificial fountain herein de condujt, motor and propeller unit. Such n construction is shown in Fig. ceptacle, a central hollow conduit with an 90 30 3 and Fig. 4 in which 3 is a conical vessel elevated overflow placed therein, a propeller provided with intake openings 4 and rest ing on a substantial base. A motor 14, car within the continent, and a motor for driving the propeller. so ns to maintain a rapid cir rying on a strong shaft 5 a propeller 9, is evaluation of fluid through the conduit.

fixed to supports 15 which extend from the 4. The artificial fountain herein de- 95 35 inner side of conduit 3 and may be integral scribed, comprising in combination, a re with the same. Obviously, to insure receptacle, conduit with elevated overflow feet working the weight of the moving p therein, a central hub extending up and axial direction of the propeller through the conduit, a rotary shaft extend be taken up or balanced as by a thrust bearing therethrough, and a propeller carried 100 40 ing 16, or other means. by the shaft for maintaining a rapid circu Apparatus of this description is especially location of fluid through the conduit ..

"Appropriate archit tural design.

5. An artificial fountain comprising in basins or reservoirs intended for use in open his nut in action combination with an unobstructed passage which it may be at short notice. When it is desired to pro- from the normal to the elevated fluid levels, 105 45 duce large and permanent waterfalls the of n propeller for maintaining a rapid cir conduit 3 may be formed by masonry of culation of the fluid through such passage and producing thereby a caseade with the expenditure of little energy.

in use.

I am well aware that artificial water falls have heretofore been exhibited and that foun tains in which the same water is circulated 60 are old and well known. But in all such cases independent pumps of small volume

inte archit rural delimited field of invention has an unlimited field of An artificial wat adapted to be se in private dwellings, hotels, thenters, & artificial fountain comprising a 110 50 concert halls, hospitals, nguaria and, par titularly, in squares, gardens and parks in funnel shaped conduit adapted to be set in body of fluid, and having openings near which it may be carried out on a large scale the lower end, and a propeller supported so as to afford magnificent spectacle far within the conduit and ndapted when in more captivating and stimulating to the operation to maintain a rapid circulation 115 55 public than the insignificant displays now of water through the same. In testimony whereof I affix my signature in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.





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