Free Energy Fountain Of NIKOLA TESLA
On October 13th 1914 Nikola Tesla filed an application for patenting his new fountain that was self regulating as well as overunity device which can be termed as free energy device in today's terms this device could run water like a fountain and could also rotate a shaft which can be used connected to other machines to derive the mechanical motion from it here is the patent for that and picture below as well as the text taken from the book. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. NIKOLA TESLA , OF NEW YORK, NY PATENT = FOUNTAIN, Specification of Letters Patent. Serial number : 1112716 Patented Oct. 13, 1914. Application tied October 28, 1913. Serial No. 797.715. To all whom it may concern: which is shown in this instance as the best Be it known that I, NIKOLA TESLA, a citi- known propelling device; but it will be me zen of the United States, residing at New York, borough of Manhattan, county and 5 State o...